Nifty 500 Stock

Power BI

Nifty 500 Stock Analytics

Nifty 500 Stock Analytics



Analysis of market capital in such way helps investors/Traders and Economists to view the distribution of market capital by demographics, This will help to analyse and organise the policies & trades, also it will help users to analyse what will be the percentage effect on market if some region is affected by natural calamity, political activity, unrest in government, lock downs and various other scenarios. Since world markets are interconnected, a Drill-Down on Domestic distribution of market capital can give you an higher edge on your next trade in the market

How it works

How it works

Nifty 500 Data is gathered based upon various parameters like Company Origin, Founder, Founderโ€™s education and other various important parameters. We have created different insights and visualisations that will help users to understand who is driving the company, what is the origin, where it is demographically located and much more, this helps to invest as per individual interests.



  • Higher edge over investment decisions
  • Impact analysis
  • Ad-Hoc Analysis on Top 500 Companies
  • Time Intelligence and Trend Viewer over selected time frame
POC Data
Take intelligent and accurate moves towards the future

Take intelligent
and accurate moves
towards the future

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