Digital Marketing

Power BI

Digital Marketing Analytics Dashboard

Digital Marketing Analytics



A digital marketing dashboards can be utilized to follow the exhibition of your business’ web based promoting exercises. An advanced showcasing dashboard empowers advertisers to consolidate information from across numerous channels into one single stage to track and display digital marketing activities promoting exercises plainly Gain profound knowledge into the personalities of your expected clients by showing ongoing data about client conduct, promotion crusade achievement, content positioning, and much more.

How it works

How it works

This Dashboard format tracks Online Media KPIs. Online Media is transforming into a solid traffic source. Notwithstanding, it very well may be difficult to follow on the grounds that it isn’t the underlying connection source, which means Marketers regularly need to see Analytics and information straightforwardly on the Online Media platform.It tracks the Online Media assessment to give Marketers a firm outline of execution and commitment on Online Media.



  • Become more proactive and effective
  • Visualise success across the enterprise
  • View customers across channels
POC Data
Take intelligent and accurate moves towards the future

Take intelligent
and accurate moves
towards the future

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