Financial Reporting

Power BI

Financial Reporting Analysis Dashboard

Financial Reporting Analysis



View your customised financial reports such as P&L reports, Balance Sheet, Cash-flow and customised reports on the fly. Users can also drill down to the most granular level and have first hand insights of their financial data. These reports can also be customized based upon regional standard format. This implementation offers the view of all the financial reports on single click and plenty of analytics can be done over it. We also create modules for Financial Planning, Budgeting and FP&A helping users to view and maintain complete finance reporting on Power BI instead of managing excessive excel sheets.

How it works

How it works

We Centralize data on Power BI from all your accounting softwares through direct connection or APIs and design a solution to bring out a single source of information to view organisation financial data by wide varieties of Dashboards and Reports which helps users to make decisions backed by strong data points.



  • Customised Financial reports and Dashboards
  • On the fly Reporting ability
  • Drill-Down ability to the most granular level of your data
  • Financial Planning & budgeting
  • Interactive and Dynamic reporting
  • Financial Analytics
  • First hand insights on your financial Data and Performance
POC Data
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Take intelligent
and accurate moves
towards the future

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