Airport Analysis

Power BI

Airport Insights Analysis dashboard

Airport Analysis



It’s important for airport and airline authorities to understand how their customers feel about them, revenue generated on their investment, frequency of passenger on different days and which destinations are visited more frequently to shape their future decision. It’s also crucial to know which airlines have the greatest services and the most satisfied consumers. The Airport analysis offers a detailed analysis by providing a rapid picture of all essential data in a user-centric view.

How it works

How it works

This dashboard illustrates flight patterns, passenger trends, revenue earned, fuel cost, distance travelled, hours travelled, weekday travelers, weekend travelers and Revenue insights. easy-to-understand reports for various airports and airlines. This dashboard is drastically altering the insights of airport analysis by allowing users to analyze and understand data in new ways.



  • Trends for weekend travelers and weekday travelers.
  • Examine the insights on flights, passengers, fuel and revenue over time.
  • Provide strategic airport viewpoints.
  • Easy to use and understand.
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Take intelligent
and accurate moves
towards the future

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